It has occurred to me, the true meaning of Christmas. Yes I am aware of the redemptive plan of God; I like to think I have been studying it ever since I was reborn. But something else occurred to me, something that a friend and I were discussing and I constantly have been challenging people to think in this way since. Some may see it as a what-if scenario, I think it is no where even close to a what-if, it is something that happened at Christmas, it is essentially what we celebrate this time of year and that is the incarnation of the Son to include us into Triune God. This will take some explaining, but just as we celebrate Easter as the ultimate redemption of man I think it is only part of God's plan to redeem man. Yes Christ had to suffer the weight of humanities sin and lay His life down to pave that road between us and God but his very presence in this world bri

ngs us back into God. Now God does not do this out of necessity, because does not 'need' anything. Many people ask why does God 'need' to love us? The answer is simple God does not 'need' to do anything, he is complete, he is fulfilled no matter what he does, the redemption of man did not affect God in a way that would make him less. When man was torn from God what happened was a separation. God 'loved' his creation so much that he formed covenant after covenant with humanity so that they may be saved. He did not do this out of need but out of Love. Whenever we talk about who God is or what God is we must always take it back to this key statement, God is Love. God did not need to redeem humanity he chose to do it, because God creates out of freedom. Back to my original point however, this time of year really makes sense to me now, as you see I have provided a picture an ancient diagram of the trinity. Whenever we look at these three figures of the triune God we must look at them, with equality, distinguishability and with unity. The figure of the Son is of one substance with the Father we call this homoousious - it means of one substance. This is the divinity of Jesus, through the kenosis however, Christ becomes one substance with humanity. Christ is both fully human and fully divine, not like a swirled ice cream cone of one substance in body spirit and nature. Christ coming to earth this venture into humanity, becoming homoousious with us includes humanity into the figure of the Son. Humanity included into the triune God that we serve shows us 2 distinct things 1) God loves His creation so much that He chose to include it in Himself (When God created the cosmos He created it ex-nihilo - out of nothing, including humanity in the Trinity makes us something, it makes us part of God) 2) Brings forth the goodness of humanity. If humanity was not essentially, naturally good the why would God look to include it into his full goodness. God would not allow Himself to be impure; he knows the goodness that humanity has within it (this also shows that no man is to far into the darkness to come back to the light).This for me is the ultimate reflection of God's love. I truly believe that when we look at God's love, we have to see what He has done through just the gift of including us in Himself. It gives us value, gives us purpose, and shows us how much we are valued. Feels good doesn't it.
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