I was watching the film "It's a Wonderful Life" tonight. There are very few films that can drive me to tears every time I see them, "It's a Wonderful Life" is one of those films. I watch it maybe once a year, yet I consider it my favorite movie of all time, it is because I believe it tells such a genuine and amazing story of the human condition. We live our lives, constantly struggling to pursue excellence, or comfort in our lives, we never truly see how comfortable we are, and how comfortable other people are because of our presence. We do not have the foresight to actively see that I believe. We do however get enveloped into the worries of each day, and when we get a turn of bad luck begin to think "woe is me," we forget what our lives should truly mean. If we were given the gift George Bailey was given, to see the world we live in without us in it we woul

d understand how much not only we mean but what that world we have built around us means to us. Each of us has been put into a unique place at a unique time for a reason. The purpose for each of our lives is different; no man lives the same lives as his brother or sister. I think a problem arises when we compare our lives to those around us. It is crazy but we never seem to think of success and look at our own lives, we look to the hero's that we grew up idolizing and never equate ourselves into that same arena ever. If we were to each look back and take a look at the journey we have walked then all we should see is success, life is an uphill battle and any mohill that is conquered is a victory. Enjoy the journey of your life. Although you might not know where it will end up, at least you know the ride will be interesting, and let God decide what is success and what isn't, I think he is a better judge, with a better view than any man woman or child that has been or ever will be on this planet.
Enjoy the Journey; you are already a success - keep striving for more.
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