I just got back from my paper route and I am laying in bed, but before I drift off I have to let you all know I believe that what I can only say sounds like a large animal, and I am talking elephant big, is sleeping in the room right next to me. With each breathe I am allowed to understand what it means to be a circus worker sleeping with the animals. I'll just turn the "for Lovers" mix up as usual to drown it out, but just thought I'd shake something that occurred to me this morning before I start my post. A bonus from doing a paper route over break is that I have literally 3 hours every morning to really think about things. Delivering papers is a pretty automatic process so your mind can drift to whatever and you can still perform your task as a high level. This morning I kept being drawn back to pain, it is what we feel in some small way every day of our lives, whether it is physical pain, social pains, or just the pains of living our very limited lives we all experience some sort of pain everyday. What got me thinking about this topic was the recent death of James Dungy the son of my beloved Colt's head coach a man I respect completely Tony Dungy. I can not imagine the pain that comes from having to bury your child. I think it may only truly be described as a weight, any pain that is even close to that, that I have felt in my life felt like weight is tied around my heart and it just tugs harder and harder breaking me over and over again in the process. I imagine this is exactly what the Dungy family is going through at this moment. I personally have never had a loss that close to me happen, but I have been second hand many times to tragedies striking in this way. Earlier this year a close friend of mine lost her little brother who I feel safe to say ha

d more use on this planet then I did, and her describing the pain that she felt really gave me an insight into this pain. She would tell me that there would be moments where she would laugh at the memories and then moments where she never thought she could be happy again. It brought back an idea that I caught in one of the shadow lands films and that is that the pain we eventually feel is part of that love that we share. That the two go hand in hand, our hearts need love but it does not come without eventually feeling pain. The relationships we have now, the people that we love, those that we care for we truly must cherish because eventually the pain will come. When we hold these things in balance we gain a new perspective, life is more then about just pain and more then about just love. Life is about the sweet and the sour, and you never truly know how sweet the sweet is without tasting the sour. My prayers and hopes are for each of you that currently taste the sour, may you find the sweet again very soon. If you need a model, look to a man I respect who tastes the sour right now.
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