Monday, August 14, 2006

the Taste

I think I might finally have a complete thought, all I have had since I posted last were fragments and as a general rule I don’t like to post unless I have a complete thought to really work through and mull over.  I have been thinking about many different things this summer, how we live our lives being the basic theme, more specifically how exactly we season our lives.  Just like when we cook or are preparing to eat we like certain things to be seasoned a certain way.  I like my steaks to have a flavor that explodes from it so I season it with several different seasonings to bring out the real flavor of the meat.  I have noticed that I also do this with the way I live my life.  I dislike the way something tastes so I add another thing to it and maybe another.  There is nothing wrong with it I am merely looking to add some flavor to my life, some enjoyment to get me past them mundane taste that I would have to live with otherwise.  This is shared by every other living person, and in some cases the seasoning is the only thing getting the person from day to day.  
     Over a month ago I started working at a graphics company that prints the decal stickers for the side of semi’s, definitely not the job I saw myself having once I graduated college, it was a job though and I was grateful.  This job, one that I have recently left might have been the most isolating/boring job I have ever had.  My task was to sit at the end of a conveyer belt and catch the decals as they came out of the dryer.  What I noticed during my time at this graphics place was that once I left there I would dive into whatever book I was reading at the time simply because the thoughts and ideas that I had read about during that day had gotten me through that shift and all I wanted to do was to continue them.  I had become a book worm, even during breaks at work I would read like it was my job.  It was how I got through the day, how I seasoned my life during this time.  I noticed that my co-workers would do other things to help them get through their day.  Brad, possibly one of the most hill jack guys I have ever met would tell me about his car he was fixing up for the Tipton County Fair, which amounted to a old hatch back Nissan Sentra on a Bronco frame with huge mud tires, painted up to look like the General Lee.  There was John who would Dip while was at work and make some of the funniest jokes I had ever heard and there was Julie who would spend the entire day complaining about her husband and what role she had to play in her family.  Each of these people like me had taken some seasoning and used it to survive the time we had to serve making these graphics.  
     Now I am sure that anyone reading this has seasoned their life with something, and there is nothing wrong with bringing out the flavor that life has to offer.  We have to endure it so we might as well enjoy it right?  
     There is a problem however, there is such a thing as over seasoning something.  We can get so wrapped up into making life seem enjoyable that we forget the original taste that life provided us.  In order to make something taste better, you have to know what it tasted like before and have that in mind.  You will never find the right taste for what you truly desire if you can not remember.  I believe that is where so many people get lost and as a result just run from one seasoning to another.  

Do you remember why you started seasoning to begin with?
